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Trifle with Seviyan Recipe

Trifle with Seviyan Recipe

Trifle with Seviyan Recipe

Ingredients for Trifle with Seviyan:

  • 1+1.5 liters milk
  • A handful of colored vermicelli/seviyan
  • 2 tbsp strawberry custard powder
  • 1/2+1 cup sugar
  • 7 tbsp mango custard powder
  • 1 loaf of plain cake
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 sachet of banana jelly or any flavor of choice

Method for Preparation of Trifle with Seviyan:

01Boil 1 liter of milk. Once it simmers, add in the vermicelli.

02Dissolve the strawberry custard powder in some milk and mix it into the vermicelli-milk mixture. Stir well while adding the custard to prevent lumps.

03Add 1/2 cup of sugar and mix well.

04Shift the vermicelli mixture into a bowl and let it cool for 30 minutes.

05In a separate pan, boil 1.5 litres of milk. Dissolve the mango custard powder in some milk and pour it into the milk while stirring.

06Add 1 cup of sugar and mix well.

07Let the mango custard cool for 30 minutes.

08Slice the cake loaf in the meantime and halve the slices.

09Place the cake slices on top of the strawberry custard in the bowl.

10After the mango custard has cooled down, pour some over the slices until they're covered in custard.

11Place more cake slices on top and pour some more mango custard over them. Keep repeating the process till you run out of cake and custard.

12For the jelly, boil the water in a pan. Add the jelly powder and mix well.

13Pour the jelly liquid over the custard bowl and let it cool.

14Top with fruits of choice and serve.

 Your delicious dessert is ready!

Preparing seviyan
Adding layers to the trifle
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