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Avacado Recipes

Avocados are a great source of nutrition and a popular fruit throughout North and South American and Australia. Avocados have become a major part of the diet in Australia in the last ten years with the population increasing from South-American countries like Brazil, Chile, Argentina.

Avocados are a great source of nutrition and a popular fruit throughout North and South American and Australia. Avocados have become a major part of the diet in Australia in the last ten years with the population increasing from South-American countries like Brazil, Chile, Argentina.

Interesting History of Avocados

Avocado is a love food that is great for healthy sex life. In the western world, the image of avocado symbolizes sexuality and an image of a woman holding an avocado has a strong sexual connotation in advertising.

Avocados grow generally in Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Avocados were a popular source of nutrition for Aztecs. This fruit was also valued by Aztecs because of its aphrodisiac qualities. The word "avocado" is derived from the central American language which is supposed to mean "testicles" or a more modern-day version as "nuts" because of its resemblance to testicles.

Uses of Avocados

avacodo superfoodLoaded with nutrition, avocados can be consumed in breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The most popular use of avocados is in sandwiches, salads, and smoothies. Avocado oil as well as avocado pills are available on the shelves in the market and are quite useful on a daily basis for maintaining healthy skin, improve eyesight, and general well-being.


Benefits of Avocados

Here are some of the nutritional benefits of consuming avocados

  • Avocadoes are loaded with Vitamin E which is beneficial for good eye-sight and is great for the skin
  • Avocado oil can help reduce wrinkles, smooth the skin and head the wounds
  • Avocados are great for scalp health and help maintain healthy hair
  • Avocados help lose weight
  • Avocadoes improve heart health

Some easy to make Avacado Recipes

I use Avacados almost on a daily basis in sandwiches and salads. Here is one of my favourite Avocado recipes for 4-Leaf salad
1. 4-leaf Salad
2. Avocados
3. Pine Nuts & Croutons
4. Balsamic Vinegar
5. Danish Fetta Cheese
6. Olives

How to make Avacado Salad

Place four-leaf salad in a bowl and add the slides of avocados, some cracked fetta cheese, nuts, and splash Balsamic vinegar on top. Mix with a salad spoon. Add some croutons on the tops to give a crunchy feel. The healthy salad is ready to eat.

avacado salad

Avocados make an ideal food for breakfast and can be used in a number of different ways. Mash an avocado and use it in place of butter on the toast layered with slide cucumbers, salad leaves and eggs. 

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